Eric Deters Pop Culture | Denials, Departures, and Royal Dilemmas #popculture

Eric Deters Pop Culture | Denials, Departures, and Royal Dilemmas #popculture

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Buckle up, pop culture vultures! Today’s episode of Pop Culture is serving up a sizzling dish of celebrity sagas that are more tangled than your last attempt at holiday lights.
First on the docket Will Smith is swatting away rumors of a ‘Fresh Prince’ fling with Duane Martin like they’re reruns of a bad sitcom. Will claims it’s all just a story fit for the tabloid twilight zone.
In the ‘where are they now’ file, Bill Cosby’s wallet is thinner than a Hollywood plot, proving that fame might be fleeting, but legal fees are forever.
Barbara Streisand’s threatening to leave the country if Trump wins again, because nothing says ‘I’m serious’ like a celebrity vow of emigration.
Across the pond, it’s been said that gazing upon late Queen Elizabeth was a bit of a challenge. Talk about a royal faux pas! And over in royal exile land, Harry and Meghan are reportedly struggling with their Christmas plans. Because nothing screams ‘holiday spirit’ like a good old-fashioned family feud.
Stay tuned for the scoop on these stories. Why not end your day with a laugh at the absurdity of fame?
#celebrity #meghanandharry #barbarastreisand
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