Thank you for watching Eric Deters Local News on South Avondale Football Field Shooting, Zachariah Reedy/Dog Abuse, Samuel Baker Arrested in Kansas, Jason Case/20 Years/Fentanyl, 3 Wanted Armed Robbery, Felony Lane Gang (Local) 114th Thanksgiving Day Race, Boone County School Issues, Cyber Monday, Turfway Park/Wednesday
Woman Followed TQL (Kentucky) Lisa Payne Jones/Court of Appeals
Kill Rich White People to Protest Lack of Gun Control LOL, Jason, Fleming/Court of Appeals, Dr. Anand P. Lalji/Suspended
$73M State Worker Raises, Arrested Stealing Own Car (Ohio) Cheer Team/AR-15 Monroe’s Wee Hornets, Ohio Deer Hunting, 1.35M Chickens /Bird Flu, Melissa Powers, PG Asks For Delay, 5 Died Athens Co. Fire
(Indiana) Indiana Man Leaked Evidence/Delphi Murders #news #ohio #kentucky #cincinnati #indiana #guncontrol #cybermonday
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Editorial: Judge Appalling ‘Bonus Torso Photo’ | Eric Deters Show | November 8, 2023