Musk Will Go To Prison Before Letting Government Censor X | Eric Deters Show | December 12, 2023

Musk Will Go To Prison Before Letting Government Censor X | Eric Deters Show | December 12, 2023

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Thank you for watching Eric Deters Show on the following topics: Trump/Iowa, Missouri Torture, Harvard Alumni, Penn/Harvard $19.7M Qatar/Saudis, Money Supply Shrinks, Megyn/Tucker, Megyn/Trump, Andrea Tantaros, Musk/Government Censorship, New Mexico/Oil, Mortgage Payments Up 90%, Trump/Immunity, Project Veritas, Obama/“White People”, Kim Jong Un/Lexus, China/US Missile Info, Supreme Court/Vax, Buffett/Hasl, , Newsom/Wife Wears Pants, Hermes Heir/Gardener, Secret Service Texts, Panera, Buffett/Selling 28.7B, Grant Cardone, South Carolina Dumps Disney, Foot Locker/400 Closings, & California Exodus.

#news #trump #usa #disney #hermes #harvard #trump #elonmusk #twitterx #musk #conservative #stocks

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